Attendance line: 303-387-3502
Refer to the DCSD Attendance webpaage for additional information and School District policy regarding school attendance.
Chaparral High School works hard to meet the learning needs of all students in an atmosphere where academics and whole-child education are valued. We know that direct classroom instruction time and day-to- day interaction are critical elements needed for students to reach their full academic potential. We understand that there are always going to be circumstances when students are unable to attend school. In addition, the open campus policy at Chaparral High School, which allows upperclassmen to leave the school grounds during the academic day, will create challenges related to attendance. When a student is absent, missed instructional time is impossible to replace. Attendance in class is an important part of the educational process and students are expected to be in attendance every day school is in session. Colorado state law requires every child between the ages of six and seventeen years to regularly attend school.
Attendance Procedures
For safety reasons and the accurate recording of attendance, please follow the procedures below to record a student absence:
1. Call the Attendance Office prior to 3:00 p.m. on the day of the absence and leave the following information:
a) Student’s name (spelling the last name) and grade
b) Date of absence and reason for absence
c) Phone number where you can be reached (if your contact information changes, please notify the school)
If it is not possible to call the school within the given time period, a written and signed note from the parent or legal guardian is required to be turned in to the Attendance Office the day the student returns to school. Absences that are not accounted for within 48 hours will be considered unexcused and must be excused through an Administrator. A 48-hour excusal form is available to download on the CHS website under parents-CHS policies.
2. If a student knows in advance that he/she will miss class due to a parent/guardian request (ex. an appointment), the parent/guardian must call or send a note prior to the absence indicating the date and time of the absence. In turn, the Attendance Office will issue the student a pass to leave class at the appropriate time.
All parent/guardians must sign students in and out of school in order to be released from or accepted into school. Students may sign themselves in/out ONLY when they have a note from a parent/guardian and the Attendance Office has issued a pass to leave the building.
3. If a student becomes ill at school and needs to go home, he/she must report to the Health Room where the health assistant will contact parents for further instructions. Students are not to leave the building without checking out through the Main Office Attendance secretary.
4. In the event that an adult other than the parent/guardian will supervise a student temporarily, the parent/guardian should notify the Attendance Office in writing, providing the name, address, and phone number of the supervising adult.
5. Please note: A student may not be excused from one class to work on homework/work for another class. In addition, a student who has been excused from class, one or more periods, must leave the school and be off school grounds. When on campus, students are expected to be in assigned classes.
Additional Information
- 9th Grade students are not allowed to leave campus at any time without prior parent notification.
- Students who miss more than 50% of any given class period will be recorded as unexcused.
Chaparral’s automatic parent notification system will contact the designated parent/guardian during the evening with notification of unexcused absences. A call to the Attendance Office to excuse the absence on the day of the absence before 3:00pm MT will prevent the system from contacting you. If you have any questions, please contact the Attendance Office at 303-387-3502.